

You will find here the essential documents covering the rules of the ES&ASC Lausanne.

Firstly, the statutes of the ES&ASC reflect the legal basis of the existence and operation of our club (Word document).

Next, the ES&ASC flyer provides brief but essential information about our club. This document says who we are and how to contact us (Word document).

Finally, we give details of how to complete the payment slip (Bulletin de versement) that should be sent to the address below

Case Postale 541, 1001 Lausanne
Fax: 086 079 231 86 70
CCP account 10-21509-5


Copyright © 2009 ESC-Lausanne | ES&ASC CP 541, 1001 Lausanne | +41 21 802 28 58 tel | 086 079 231 86 70 fax